Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 3) - A Multicultural Picnic / Um Piquenique Multicultural (Portuguese Children's Book)

Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 3) - A Multicultural Picnic / Um Piquenique Multicultural (Portuguese Children's Book)

from $13.99

"Fun-filled, educational and brimming with good values, this book is a must for children in diverse cultural settings." --- Reedsy Discover (MUST-READ, 5-star review)

This is Book 3 in the multi-award-winning series Little Polyglot Adventures. Portuguese (Brazil) Edition.

ISBNs: 978-1-64962-093-4 (paperback) and 978-1-64962-094-1 (hardcover)

You can also purchase this book from Amazon and other stores by clicking here.

Description in English:

Dylan and Isabella, the polyglot siblings, have special guests in town: the grandparents. To celebrate their arrival from abroad, the family decides to have a picnic at the park. Things get a bit out of control when the children meet a group of unwelcoming boys at the park and when Kiki, Dylan’s pet chicken, decides to venture out on her own.   

In this fun and multicultural story, children will learn about the true value of friendship, of not judging a book by its cover, and of being proud of their own culture while also respecting that of others.

While reading this book, kids will learn six new words in different languages and feel like little polyglots themselves!

Description in Portuguese:

Dylan e Isabella, os irmãos poliglotas, recebem uma visita especial: a de seus avós. Para celebrar a chegada dos avós vindos do exterior, a família decide fazer um piquenique no parque. No entanto, as coisas saem um pouco fora do controle quando as crianças encontram um grupo de garotos não muito amigáveis e quando Kiki, a galinha de estimação de Dylan, decide dar um passeio sozinha.

Nesta história divertida e multicultural, as crianças irão aprender sobre o verdadeiro valor da amizade, a não julgar um livro pela capa e a se orgulhar de sua própria cultura, assim como a respeitar a cultura das outras pessoas. 

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