Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 2) - A Wild Day at the Zoo/ Egun zoroa zooan (Bilingual Basque - English Children's Book)

Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 2) - A Wild Day at the Zoo/ Egun zoroa zooan (Bilingual Basque - English Children's Book)

from $13.99

"A Wild Day at the Zoo is a sweet and educational picture book introduction to the wonders and diversity of the zoo, as well as the wonders and diversity of human languages. A passive lesson in multicultural acceptance." --- Foreword Review

This is Book 2 in the series Little Polyglot Adventures. Bilingual Basque - English Edition.

ISBNs: 978-1-64962-069-9 (paperback) and 978-1-64962-070-5 (hardcover)

You can also purchase this book from Amazon and other stores by clicking here.

Description in English:

The city zoo is holding a very special event. Today, guests can bring their own pets to the zoo! Of course, all city residents want to join in on the fun. Dylan and Isabella, the little polyglot siblings, see this as a great opportunity for Kiki, Dylan's pet chicken, to meet her animal friends. However, things get a bit out of control when Kiki is left unattended. In this fun and colorful story, children will learn about the importance of thinking outside the box and using their imagination and creativity to solve difficult problems.

While reading this book, kids will learn six new words in different languages and feel like a little polyglot themselves!

Description in Basque:

Hiriko zooak ekitaldi berezia antolatu du. Gaur, bisitariek euren etxe-animaliak eraman ditzakete zoora! Jakina, hiritar guztiek ondo pasatu nahi dute bertan. Dylanek eta Isabellak, poliglota neba-arreba txikiek, aukera paregabea dela uste dute Kikirentzat, Dylanen oilo etxe-animaliarentzat. Kikik animaliak diren lagunak egin ahal dituelako. Haatik, egoera korapilatu egiten da Kiki une batez zaindu ez dutenean. Istorio dibertigarri eta xelebre honetan, umeek originaltasunez pentsatzea eta arazo zailak konpontzeko irudimena eta sormena garrantzitsuak direla ikasiko dute.

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