Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 1) - Dylan's Birthday Present / Anutiiruti Dylan-am (Yugtun Edition)

Little Polyglot Adventures (Vol. 1) - Dylan's Birthday Present / Anutiiruti Dylan-am (Yugtun Edition)

from $13.99

This is Book 1 in the series Little Polyglot Adventures. Yup’ik (Yugtun) Edition. I

ISBNs: 978-1-64962-063-7 (paperback) and 978-1-64962-064-4 (hardcover)

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Summary in English:

Dylan is an American boy like many others. One thing makes him special, though: his parents come from other countries and speak to him in different languages. It's his birthday today and he receives a very unusual present, only to lose it shortly after. Together with his best friend Emma, a sweet bilingual girl born to South African parents, Dylan sets out to find his lost birthday present. During their search, the two friends learn about the value of friendship, of speaking different languages, and of appreciating one's own as well as others' cultural and linguistic background.

If you are looking for a children's book that will help your child see the value in speaking other languages, in being multicultural, and that will hopefully get them excited about learning languages, this book is a great choice.

Click here to read the 5-star review Reader’s Favorite wrote on this book and here for he starred review (Must Read!) on Reedsy Discovery.

Summary in Yup’ik (Yugtun):

Dylan-aq kingunengqertuq America-mek allarugaat ayuqluki. Uum taugaam pikegtauvkaraa: angayuqaak kingunengqertuk allanek nunarpakayagnek qanaataqluku-llu ayuqenrilngurteggun qaneryaranek. Unuamek anutiirtuq cikiutengellruluni-llu allay’ugarmek cikiutamek, cunawa tamarnaluku ak’anivkenaku tamatum kinguakun. Dylan-aq yugnikek’ngani-llu, Emma-q, nasaurlukegtaaq malrugnek qaneryaralek, angayuqarluni South Africa-rmiugnek, yuaryarturaak tauna tamalleq cikiutallra anutiiran erenrani. Yuarnginanragni, elituk yugnikucaram arcaqaucianek, qaneryarangqelleq ayuqenrilngurnek, cali quyateklerkait nakmiin cangallruvkenaki allat piciryarait qaneryaraita-llu kingunrit.

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